Amazfit Bip

Amazfit Bip / Bip Lite Pip-Boy Fallout 4 Clean

Hi, this is my first watchface for the BIP, I took inspiration from these amazing watchfaces:

Fallout 4 Pip-Boy EDIT ENG (V4) - /bip/view/?id=15945
Pip-Boy v.1.3 - /bip/view/?id=14866

I  used the actual Fallout 4 HUD font for all the text, and edited/cleaned Vault Boy's image from the v1.3 mentioned above.The rest is all done by hand.
It's a simple watchface, only:
- Battery (hp)
- Steps
- Date (top cube left-side)
- Month (down cube left-side),
- Day name (as crippled text)
- 'Do not disturb' icon, using the Caps logo to symbolize it (top corner right).

I hope you like it!

5bee40f66ebb3_16112018.bin 11.57 KiB Download